Berman Art 1994 Preface to Modernism Urbana University of Illinois Press

Topics in the Twentieth Century: EN4224

2004-2005 Semester I

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* ������ CONTENTS

On this page you will observe the following information near the course EN 3204:


Course Description

Principal Texts

Secondary Texts

Yous can likewise follow these links to web pages containing:

����������� Syllabus

Supplementary Reading Lists

Lecture Notes (dedicated to the 2004 syllabus only)

Lecture Notes (all the modernism lectures)


Relevant and Useful Websites

The links are constantly being updated.If you detect something you call up we should know most, allow me know.


Grade Description

The course studies selected texts from the modernist flow and examines the characteristics and contexts of the period itself. With reference to the more general condition of modernity--considered in terms of historical, economic and technological developments--modernism is examined in terms of its being both a reaction to and a constituent part of modernity. Modernism involves a gear up of historical engagements utilizing a number of aesthetic, political and ideological strategies. The modernist avant garde can be disturbing and sometimes shocking in its attempts to milkshake up consciousness of the nowadays and to rethink relations to the past and to the future. Lectures will offering introductions non simply to the texts merely also to various modernist movements and related contexts. Lectures will also look at relationships that existed between literature and other cultural forms, like painting, architecture and music, likewise as gimmicky intellectual movements such as existential philosophy and psychoanalytic theory. The class provides an outline of the political and social contexts that help to define this menses of rapid and desperate modify.

* IVLE Module Outline


1. St�phane Mallarm�. Selected Poetry and Prose. Edited past Mary Anne Caws. New York: New Directions, 1982.

2. Walter Benjamin, Illuminations Pimlico ;.

three. Umbro Appolonio, ed. Futurist Manifestos. Boston, Mass.: MFA Publications, 2001.

4. Mina Loy. The Lost Lunar Baedecker: Selected Poems.

5. Sigmund Freud. The Uncanny. Translated by David McLintock with an Introduction past Hugh Haughton.

vi. Katherine Mansfield. In a German Pension. Penguin Modern Classics.

Other materials will be made bachelor throughout the course.


Benjamin, Andrew, ed. The Issues of modernity: Adorno and Benjamin. London: Routledge, 1989.

Berman, Art. Preface to Modernism. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994.

Bradbury, Malcolm and James McFarlane, eds. Modernism, 1890-1930. Brighton: Harvester Press, 1978.

Bradshaw, David, ed. A Concise Companion to Modernism. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.

Childs, Peter. Modernism. London: Routledge, 2000.

Eysteinsson, Astradur. The concept of Modernism. Cornell University Press, 1990.

Levenson, Michael, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Modernism. Cambridge: Cup, 1999.

McGann, Jerome J. Blackness riders: the visible language of modernism. Princeton University Printing, 1993.

Nicholls, Peter. Modernisms: A Literary Guide. Macmillan.

Weston, Richard. Modernism. London: Phaidon Press, 1996.




The Notes and Schedule at present have a page of their own:

Lecture Schedule and Notes

The Supplementary Lecture notes, which can be found hither, provide lecture notes not necessarily used in the lectures besides equally some more in depth studies for those who want to explore further.


Students give i presentation and submit ane essay due at the end of the course.

Notation: There volition exist an open up book examination.

Coursework Assessment

Essay Topics


DADA is a virgin microbe
DADA is against the loftier cost of living
DADA limited company for the exploitation of ideas
DADA has 391 different attitudes and colours co-ordinate to the sexual practice of the president
It changes -- affirms -- says the opposite at the same time -- no importance -- shouts -- goes fishing.
Dada is the cha
mel eon of rapid and self-interested change.
Dada is against the futurity. Dada is dead. Dada is absurd. Long live Dada.
Dada is not a literary schoolhouse, howl.

Tristan Tzara

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